Kalaneuvos Oy

Kalaneuvos Oy


Kalaneuvos Oy has operated in the fish industry since 1975 and is nowadays the biggest operator in the Finnish market. Our main values are high quality, being on the cutting edge of the industry, continuing as a family-run business and being environmentally and socially responsible. These values play an important role in our everyday work.

We process, import, export, sell and wholesale fish to wholesale customers as well as businesses operating in the Hotel, Restaurants and Catering sector and other operators in both the domestic and international markets. Our production facilities and offices are located in the cities of Sastamala and Turku, in Southwest Finland. Our sales area covers the entirety of Finland, and we currently export globally to over 10 different countries.

Kalaneuvos Oy’s product selection includes fresh, smoked, cold smoked, frozen, slightly salted and marinated products. We provide fish products in several variants – caviar, whole fish, fillets, slices, portions, cubes, boneless and skinless fish.




Miten Kalaneuvos vastaa kuluttajien ideaalia kala-alan brändipersoonaa? Millainen on ideaalinen kalatuotebrändi kuluttajille ja kumppani kaupan päättäjille? Brändipersoona, tunnekokemus siitä ja sen edustamat arvot? Valuescout-tutkimus selvittää asian.

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